Career-o-Poly: Interactive Activity


Career-O-Poly is a variation of Monopoly developed as an independent accompaniment to VIC VICE - it can be played alongside, independently of, or proceeding the delivery of the VIC VICE experience.

The game teaches about different careers, the importance of education and career advancement and basic financial management. It is curriculum-aligned and can be a platform to:

  • Discuss career planning

  • Consider the value/perceived value of different professions

  • Encourage discussion about the financial implications of career choices.

This is designed to be a full class activity, and can be adapted for approximately 9-26 students.

  • VCCF Outcome 11.2 - Explore innovative interpersonal and group communication skills, including discovering the importance and benefits of being able to interact with diverse groups of people in all areas of life

    VCCF Outcome 12. 5 - Consider the possible implications of changes in learning and work for your own career goals and plans including financial options

    VCCF Outcome 12. 6 - Understand and apply problem-solving and goal-setting strategies in making career and life decisions

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Year 10 Career Exploration


Supply Chain Cards: Interactive Activity